Erate Fuding Year 2015-2016 includes SUPERNet and SUPERNet II total $244,928

Education Service Center Region 11, Online Course Developer/Provider  $60,000 The purpose of this arrangement was to create, submit and deliver an online high school course via the Texas Virtual School Network statewide course catalog.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Community Coop $49,000 The Texas Parks and Wildlife grant received in 2008 allowed us to put together Personal Science Labs for our outdoor classrooms.  In 2008 we reached over 1000 students involving them in hands-on science activities  These students used science probes to measure, record and evaluate soil moisture, pH, conductivity, turbidity, and temperature in the stream, wetland and ponds at the TPWD Nature Center.

TSTEM partnership with UT Tyler $28,000 Grant received between 2007 – 2011 has allowed SUPERNet to develop and update online science and math courses and purchase technology for Physics Kits for the online students.  Courses added to the Virtual high school were: Geo Space Science and Geometry

USDA-Rural Utilities Service $450,000 – The USDA grant received in 2008 allowed districts to add or upgrade distance learning equipment for collaborative options for students and teachers.  Some of the things that districts are using the distance learning equipment for is:

– Receive Dual Credit Courses
– Field Trips through ITV (interactive TV)
– Professional Development
– Student and Teacher collaborative projects
– Certified Education Credit (CEU)